Paul Garmirian is well known in the United States for his hit cigar brand PG’s. He also wrote a book on gourmet cigars “The Gourmet Guide to Cigars” by Dr. Paul B. Garmirian. In 1997 together with S.T. Dupont he created 2 lighters, one made of black Chinese lacquer with red accents and gold finishes – limited edition of only 300 pieces – the other is instead finished in a beautiful and rare ivory white Chinese lacquer with red accents and limited edition gold finishes of 500 pieces. The specimen proposed here bears the serial number 1B1GJ31. Both lighters bear Paul Garmirian’s signature on the lid and are numbered individually on the bottom. The lighters were distributed exclusively by Dr. Garmirian himself and are completely sold out. Dupont Collector reports a quotation of 4000,00 euros for this lighter
: Acquisti/Vendite +39 3666385319 – Assistenza +39 3756999205
: Italia, Bologna, 40100 – Milano, 20121
: Principato di Monaco, Monte-Carlo, 98000